Saved Items
This product can only be installed by phpFox Cloud V4, phpFox Cloud V4 Trial, Pro, Pro+, Ultimate License ID
- Free Update
What's New?
Version 4.1.1
- Support PHP 8.0
- Add privacy for Collection
- Add contributor
- Prevent XSS attack
- Collection detail - Do not support the status read/unread a item
- Fix bugs
Have you ever got an uncomfortable feeling when looking for interesting stuff that you have seen/read on a social network site? Let's imagine that you have read a fantastic blog or seen a very interesting video/photo on the online community site. Then you may like to visit those items again or share them with your friends now. You may have many difficulties when looking for them due to many similar items on your social network. With Saved Items app, everything becomes much more convenient to users. People can save and organize what they love on phpFox site from now.
Key Features
Save Items app provides users the following main features:
- Save all items in the social network
- Search for the saved item by name
- Browse, sort and filter saved items by time, open status and category
- Manage or share saved items
- Create and organize collections for saved items
Installation Guide
Please follow below steps to install new phpFox Saved Items app:
- Install the Saved Items app from the store.
- Remove files no longer used (at Admin Panel > Maintenance > Remove files no longer used).
- Clear
andRebuild Core Theme
on your site.
Congratulation! You have completed installation process.